As part of their community to our city, the department of water management (DWM) will be conducting lead service line replacement alongside water main replacement on the 7900, 8000, 8200 block of south Green Street this year.
The water main, dating back to 1913, has already been replaces on the 7900 and 8000 blocks. Pre-construction work for lead service line replacement (LSLR) on the 7900 and 8000 blocks is expected to start in April. Construction for the water main replacement on the 8100 and 8200 blocks of south Green Street is expected to start in June. Lead service line replacement on these blocks will after water main replacement is complete.
This will be no cost for you
for more information contact the water department at 312-744-6635 or contact the 17th Ward office at 773-783-3672